
Material science notes - book

Here, you will find some of the notes I have taken from the book ‘Computational Material Science: An Introduction’ by June Gunn Lee:

  • What is the so called first-principle or ab-initio calculation?
    It contains a very short summary of many-body quantum mechanical problem.
    PDF version --- Google Colab version
  • What is the density functional theory (DFT)?
    It contains an introduction to DFT such as the HK theorem, KS orbital approach, and XC functional
    PDF version --- Google Colab version
  • How to approach the theory of solid from a DFT perspective?
    It contains introductory remarks on pseudopotential, reciprocal space, Brillouin zone, k-points, plane-wave expansion, Bloch thorem, etc.
    PDF version --- Google Colab version

Material science notes - Coursera course

Here, you will find lecture notes from the coursera course Density Functional Theory. These notes are available as jupyter notebooks (Google colab) or as PDF format.

Lecture notes

These two notes are about electromagnetic wave propagation through an optical medium. The first note is a review of Maxwell’s equation in microscopic and macroscopic formulation. Then in the second note, we go deeper into the nonlinear wave equation in the frequency domain